RadiologyThe radiology department is as old as the clinic itself however it was not fully functional until the establishment of the x-ray unit in 2015. The Clinic has two main imaging modalities in operation. They are the ultrasound and the x-ray machine. The ultrasound machine is a Mindray equipment with a convex middle frequency transducer which the General Practitioners use for obstetrics to determine the age of the foetus within the womb. The machine with the transducer is capable for all abdominal organ evaluation. The x-ray unit is medium powered High Frequency, U arm equipment. This machine is known as Anatomical Programmed Radiography Machine. When the body part is selected, preset exposures are shown in which the Radiographer may use to capture the radiographic images. This makes the machine easy to operate with simple controls. It is the state-of-the art equipment in the heart of the city. It has a Caesium Iodide (direct vapour deposition) with reflective coating detector. The image quality is brilliant. The department serves both the internal patients of the clinic and external patients within the city and the country as a whole. Contact Us | |